22 February 2008

all work and no play

Okay, you caught me. I've been seriously slacking. And by slacking I mean, I've been slacking when it comes to doing the things I normally do when I'm being a slacker.

It's Friday, which means if I'm gonna blog today then I gotta do it now. Fridays begin the second part of my work week, when I do my time at The Fox. And THAT means that once I leave the apartment at about 7:30 this morning, I won't be home again until tomorrow.

Here's the way I've been thinking about it: CMC satisfies the part of me that thrives off of routine. The Fox feeds the bit that needs things to change and be exciting. The Fox is also my weekly dose of a social life. During the week I'm asleep by 10. When all your friends work at or operate on a bar schedule, that makes getting together kind of difficult. When I'm at The Fox, I finally get to see everyone again and be the Jenny I'm used to being, as opposed to the new Jenny, who's more of an adult. (No negative connotations there, by the way. That's the interesting thing about it all: both Jenny's feel right to me.)

I just suddenly wondered how long it will be before this schedule burns me out. I recognize that the Fox is only a "social life" because I'm still actually working, as opposed to a social life. (Notice the difference between quotations and none...)

One day I'm gonna need a real night off, a cold beer and a DD.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Rumor has it...I'm the greatest DD ever. Take advantage.