29 March 2008

enfin, j'y fais face

It's finally happened. I've started taking French-Canadian calls at work. No kidding, very likely one of the scariest things I've ever done in my life. It shouldn't be, right? But it is. This is it. My degree, in action. There's no more "whatever, it's just for class." No one cares if I still consider myself learning. It's French-on-demand, understand and be understood or... it's my job.

The first day (Thursday), I coulda cried all day long. I was so unnerved. I don't remember the last time I had myself so freakin' worked up over something. I survived but I was completely frazzled. Thursday night I was so unnerved about doing it again Friday that I couldn't sleep. Friday was a smidge better. I figure it'll get better every day.

And besides, behind all my nervousness lies excitement. I mean... FINALLY! I wanted to use French and here I go. Holy cow. I'm also really excited about the doors that will be opened up by knowing Québecois. As far as being in North America goes, that's gonna be a good, marketable skill.

It's going to continue to be a challenge for me for a while, and there's probably going to be days where I really do cry... but oh well. That can only last for so long, right?



laura said...


Cassidy said...

yay for language use! of course it will get better. and then, you will surprise yourself with what you can do.

guess what. a dinner get-together will be feasible in just a little over two weeks. plans will be made, i daresay!