23 February 2009

Introducing: Off the Beaten Mat

If days were longer I'd give you a fantastic rundown of what my weekend retreat was like, but alas, they are not and I cannot. Suffice it to say that a lot of great work was done and decisions about my life and life's purpose were made. On that note, I'd like to formally introduce the creation of my newest blog: Off the Beaten Mat

That blog is going to be my more philosophical/meditational/motivational/yogic-al one, and Living Dharma will be more personal and about day to day things. (Hopefully this means I'll update more...?) (This also means you can expect, at some point, an explanation for all of this blog changing and the recap of the weekend, too.)

I'm starting it off with some of my older posts that I had put on here until I have time to actually write the newest blog, which is in development as we speak.

I'm really excited about sharing my plans and putting them into action, as well!


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