Aaaaah progress. I'm almost half way done knitting the body of my yoga mat bag. I thought it would take longer than it's taking. I also thought it would be a lot harder than it is. It's turning out quite nicely!
In other news about progress, the move is officially on. I went by the house today and got my key and also dropped off some boxes. Tomorrow an old coworker is coming to buy my couch off of me, next week my parents will be here to pick up some of the bigger stuff to store for me and finally and pal from yoga is going to be moving my bed and some other stuff over for me. It's all coming together.
I'll be glad when the move is done. I'm kinda tired of thinking about it all the time and also ready to just be settled somewhere again.
you forgot to add, "and i really just want to be settled and have plenty of money so i can take off work and go to holly's slumber party."
cables! can't wait to see it done.
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